such as does parnate cause weight loss diphenhydramine, and fexofenadineBlood pressure medications such as benazepril, does parnate cause weight loss and quinaprilBupropionBuspironeCold and hay fever remedies that constrict blood vesselsCough remedies containing dextromethorphanDemerol and does parnate cause weight loss narcotic painkillers such as hydrocodone and.
trimipramine, as combination with these does parnate cause weight loss may induce hypertensive crises or severe convulsive seizures.3. Sympathomimetics including amphetamines, ephedrine and over-the-counter preparations for does parnate cause weight loss hay fever and weight reduction that contain vasoconstrictors (e.g., phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine) as well as with methyldopa, dopamine, levodopa and does parnate cause weight loss does parnate cause weight loss such combinations may does parnate cause weight loss hypertension, severe headache, hyperpyrexia and does parnate cause weight loss even cerebral (subarachnoid) does parnate cause weight loss The combination of MAO inhibitors and tryptophan does parnate cause weight loss does parnate cause weight loss reported to cause behavioral and neurologic syndromes does parnate cause weight loss disorientation, does parnate cause weight loss amnesia, delirium, agitation, hypomanic signs, ataxia, myoclonus, hyperreflexia, shivering, does parnate cause weight loss oscillations and Babinski signs.4. does parnate cause weight loss combination with fluoxetine: although a causal relationship has not does parnate cause weight loss established, death has been reported to occur following the initiation of MAO inhibitor therapy shortly after discontinuation shortly.
reaction occurs, discontinue the drug and institute hypotensive therapy. Headache does parnate cause weight loss to abate as blood.
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