protriptyline, desipramine, imipramine, doxepin, side effects of parnate carbamazepine, side effects of parnate amoxapine, clomipramine, maprotiline and trimipramine, as combination with these drugs may induce hypertensive crises or severe convulsive seizures.3. Sympathomimetics including amphetamines, ephedrine and over-the-counter.
in 24 hours or less.At doses above 30 mg daily, particularly in patients with side effects of parnate hypertension, postural hypotension side effects of parnate occur, which usually can be relieved by placing the patient side effects of parnate a supine position until blood pressure returns to normal. Dosage increments should be very gradual in patients showing a tendency towards hypotension at the starting dose.Overstimulation as shown by side effects of parnate activity, agitation and manic symptoms, is side effects of parnate evidence of excessive therapeutic action. Dosage should be reduced, or a phenothiazine side effects of parnate be administered concomitantly.OverdoseSymptoms:Characteristic symptoms side effects of parnate similar to those described under side effects of parnate Effects; however, these effects may be intensified and severe additional manifestations may be seen, depending on the degree of overdosage. Some patients exhibit insomnia, restlessness and anxiety, progressing in severe cases side effects of parnate side effects of parnate mental confusion and incoherence. side effects of parnate dizziness, weakness and drowsiness may occur, progressing side effects of parnate side effects of parnate side effects of parnate to extreme.
food and drug interactions side effects of parnate taking ParnateNever take Parnate with the following drugs; the.