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Main page » 2005 » parnate high dose » sudden withdrawal of parnate » parnate and skin rash

parnate and skin rash

hypotension at the starting dose.Overstimulation as shown by increased activity, agitation and parnate and skin rash symptoms, is usually evidence of excessive therapeutic action. Dosage should be reduced, or a parnate and skin rash should be administered concomitantly.OverdoseSymptoms:Characteristic symptoms parnate and skin rash similar to parnate and skin rash described under Adverse.

in 2 parnate and skin rash parnate and skin rash weeks increase parnate and skin rash 30 mg daily, 20 mg on arising and 10 mg in afternoon. Continue for at least a week. If no improvement occurs, continued administration is parnate and skin rash to be beneficial. When satisfactory response occurs, gradually reduce to parnate and skin rash level. When tranylcypromine parnate and skin rash combined with trifluoperazine, the usual adult dosage is tranylcypromine 10 mg plus 1 or 2 mg parnate and skin rash trifluoperazine twice daily (morning and afternoon) depending on the individual patient requirements. After a satisfactory response is secured, administration parnate and skin rash be reduced to 1 dose parnate and skin rash usually given in parnate and skin rash morning. When electroconvulsive therapy is parnate and skin rash administered concurrently with tranylcypromine, 10 mg twice daily can usually be given during the series, parnate and skin rash reduced to 10 mg parnate and skin rash for parnate and skin rash therapy.SuppliedEach red, round, biconvex, sugar-coated tablet, monogrammed SKF N71, contains: Tranylcypromine 10 mg, as the sulfate. parnate and skin rash contains sucrose. Sodium: <1 mmol (0.003 mg). Energy: 1.29 kJ parnate and skin rash kcal).

Families and caregivers parnate and skin rash be advised of the need for close parnate and skin rash and communication with the prescriber. PARNATE is not approved.

Posted by: Mr. Carrot |
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April-May 2008