and bulimiaExcessive use of alcohol, or abrupt withdrawal from alcohol or sedativesTaking medications bupropion sr wellbutrin lower the bupropion sr wellbutrin threshold (see "Possible food and drug interactions when taking this medication")To minimize the risk of seizures, dose bupropion sr wellbutrin should be done gradually, and the total bupropion sr wellbutrin dose of Wellbutrin should.
the risk of seizures, dose bupropion sr wellbutrin should be bupropion sr wellbutrin gradually, and the bupropion sr wellbutrin daily dose of Wellbutrin should not exceed 450 milligrams. Additionally, bupropion sr wellbutrin bupropion sr wellbutrin bupropion sr wellbutrin be aware of all your medical conditions, and you should bupropion sr wellbutrin take any other medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) unless the doctor approves.Do not take Wellbutrin if you are sensitive to or bupropion sr wellbutrin ever had an allergic reaction to it.Since Wellbutrin causes seizures in bupropion sr wellbutrin people, do not take it bupropion sr wellbutrin you have any type of bupropion sr wellbutrin disorder or if you bupropion sr wellbutrin taking another medication containing bupropion, such as Zyban, a drug that's used to help quit smoking. If you have a bupropion sr wellbutrin while taking Wellbutrin, stop taking the drug and never take it again.Do not take Wellbutrin bupropion sr wellbutrin abruptly giving up alcohol or sedatives, including tranquilizers antianxiety drugs bupropion sr wellbutrin as diazepam and alprazolam. Rapid withdrawal bupropion sr wellbutrin the risk of seizures.If you have had any kind of bupropion sr wellbutrin trouble or liver or bupropion sr wellbutrin disease, be sure bupropion sr wellbutrin doctor knows about it before.
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