sodium lauryl sulfate; starch.Inert ingredients for the oral concentrate formulation are: glycerin; methylparaben; peppermint oil; propylparaben; water.ChemistryINDICATIONSSINEQUAN sinequan to treat urticaria recommended for the treatment sinequan to treat urticaria patients with sinequan to treat urticaria and/or anxiety.Depression and/or sinequan to treat urticaria associated with alcoholism (not.
and concerns, sleep disturbances, guilt, lack of energy, fear, apprehension and worry.Clinical sinequan to treat urticaria has shown that SINEQUAN is safe and well tolerated even in the elderly patient. sinequan to treat urticaria to lack of clinical experience in sinequan to treat urticaria pediatric population, SINEQUAN is not recommended for sinequan to treat urticaria in children under 12 years of age.DOSAGE sinequan to treat urticaria sinequan to treat urticaria most patients with illness of mild sinequan to treat urticaria moderate severity, a starting daily dose of 75 mg is recommended. Dosage sinequan to treat urticaria subsequently be increased or decreased at appropriate intervals and sinequan to treat urticaria to individual response. sinequan to treat urticaria usual optimum dose range is 75 mg/day to 150 sinequan to treat urticaria more sinequan to treat urticaria ill patients higher sinequan to treat urticaria may be required with subsequent gradual increase to 300 sinequan to treat urticaria if necessary. Additional therapeutic effect is sinequan to treat urticaria to be obtained by exceeding a dose of 300 mg/day.In patients with very mild symptomatology or emotional sinequan to treat urticaria accompanying organic disease, lower doses may suffice. Some of these patients have been sinequan to treat urticaria on doses as low sinequan to treat urticaria 25 - as.
agents. Specifically, it is an isomeric mixture of:1-Propanamine.