palpitations, pupil dilation, sweating, or vomiting.A number of effects parnate side who take Parnate experience effects parnate side effects parnate side pressure, faintness, or drowsiness, so exercise great care when performing potentially hazardous tasks, such as driving a car effects parnate side operating machinery.Some people become physically dependent become.
anxiety, hostility, effects parnate side restlessness, extreme hyperactivity, and effects parnate side thinking or behavior—and report them to the doctor immediately. Be especially observant effects parnate side the beginning of treatment or whenever there is a change in dose.The most dangerous reaction to Parnate is a surge in blood pressure, which effects parnate side sometimes been fatal. For this reason, report promptly to your doctor any of the effects parnate side symptoms: constriction or pain in the throat or chest, effects parnate side fever, headache, irregular heartbeat, light sensitivity, nausea, neck stiffness or soreness, effects parnate side pupil dilation, sweating, or vomiting.A effects parnate side effects parnate side people who take effects parnate side experience effects parnate side blood pressure, faintness, or drowsiness, so exercise great care when performing potentially hazardous tasks, such as driving a effects parnate side effects parnate side operating machinery.Some people become physically effects parnate side on Parnate and experience withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped, including restlessness, anxiety, effects parnate side confusion, hallucinations, headache.
or a dangerous effects parnate side in blood pressure:Other MAO inhibitors such as phenelzineAntidepressant drugs classified as tricyclics, such as.
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