or conditions that could affect hemodynamic responses or metabolism.Interference luvox for ocd in children Cognitive or Motor Performance: Since any psychoactive drug may impair judgement, thinking, or motor skills, patients should luvox for ocd in children cautioned luvox for ocd in children operating hazardous machinery, luvox for ocd in children automobiles, until they are certain that.
phohobia, blepharitis.Musculoskeletal:Infrequent: luvox for ocd in children arthralgia, myasthenia, tetany.Rare: Leg cramps, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, bone pain, luvox for ocd in children fracture.Urogenital:Infrequent: Urinary frequency, impotence, dysuria, metrorrhagia, abnormal ejaculation.Rare: Urinary incontinence, breast pain, urinary retention, urinary urgency, cystitis, nocturia, menorrhagia, anorgasmia, female lactation, vaginitis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, urinary luvox for ocd in children infection, hematuria, kidney pain, prostatic disorder, polyuria, leukorrhea.Metabolic luvox for ocd in children luvox for ocd in children Weight gain.Infrequent: Weight loss, peripheral edema.Rare: Alcohol intolerance, dehydration, obesity, luvox for ocd in children and Lymph:Rare: Ecchymosis, cyanosis, anemia, lymphadenopathy, thrombocyenia.OverdoseSymptoms:More than 300 cases of overdosage luvox for ocd in children fluvoxamine, alone or in combination with other compounds, have luvox for ocd in children reported. The most common symptoms of overdosage include gastrointestinal complaints luvox for ocd in children luvox for ocd in children and.
chewing.Hepatic or Renal Insufficiency:Patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency luvox for ocd in children begin.
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